Sunday, April 6, 2008

An Orange Cake For Tea

I don’t know about you but I always love a citrus cake. There’s something about that tangy, zesty smell that wakes the senses and add that to a warm buttery cake, it’s like a match made in heaven.

I came across this wonderful recipe from Nigella Lawson (saw it on TV one late night and loved it immediately) and she calls it Clementine Cake but you can use any citrus fruit and the only difference would be a tad sourer.

What’s so wonderful about this recipe is that it’s also made from ground almonds and if you are one of those trying to stay off wheat or is gluten intolerant, this is an amazing cake that you should definitely try.

Nigella Lawson’s Clementine Cake


4 Clementines (or 1 pound of any citrus fruit)
250g ground almond / almond meal
250g brown sugar
6 eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder


1. Cover Clementines with cold water and boil for 2 hours. Cool.
2. Place Clementines in food processor and pulp it.
3. Add all other ingredients in and mix well.
4. Bake in a lined tin in 175 degrees C for 1 to 1.5 hours. A cake tester inserted into the middle of the cake should come out clean.
5. Cool, store, eat, enjoy!

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