Thursday, April 10, 2008

Coconut Cake Anyone?

My kitchen is my lab and I love to experiment.

In my quest for unusual ingredients to bake with, I came across something called Coconut Flour. What it is, I was told, is that it's Coconut meat, with the saturated fat extracted, dried in the sun and grounded into a fine powder. Most of these come from the Philippines or Hawaii.

And it smells heavenly.

If you're a Coconut fan, like I am, this cake will be your firm favourite for a very long time. I made a small batch as an experiment, gave some to my Mum, she loved it and demanded that I made a proper whole cake for her!

It's got alot of eggs, it has Coconut Flour AND Coconut Milk which equates to High Calorie.

But hey! You've only got one life and you should have live it to the fullest, even if its bordering on madness. I do love living on the edge sometimes...

So make a cup of tea, sit back and have a piece of fragrant Coconut Cake. Enjoy!

Totally Coconut Cake


125g butter
9 eggs
250ml coconut milk
350g brown sugar
250g Coconut Flour
1 teaspoon baking power
a pinch of salt


1. Whisk well in a large bowl butter, sugar, eggs, coconut milk.
2. Fold in sifted coconut flour, baking power and the pinch of salt.
3. Bake in a lined tin in 175 degrees C for about 45 mins. A cake tester inserted into the middle of the cake should come out clean.
4. Cool, store, eat, enjoy!

Note: This cake does not keep well and should be refridgerated at all times.

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