Monday, May 5, 2008

The History of Sour Oranges

In Florida, there stands several Sour Orange Trees which have been around since the 1600s. They are the original trees which were planted when oranges were first brought to the New World.

The main orange growing areas of the world in the Americas and southern Europe were really not where oranges originated from. Through the ancient Spice Routes and the Crusades, these citruses were brought to places such as Southern Spain in Europe and also to the sunny areas around Florida and Mexico, in the Americas from China and India!

In the old days, oranges were for medicinal purposes and for the spicing of food. Today, the Citrus aurantium ssp. bergamia (Bergamot) are still grown for these very purposes. The peel is cold pressed for Bergamot oil for aromatheraphy, to scent Earl Grey Tea, confectionary and liquers. Petitgrain oil is steam distilled from its flowers, leaves and twigs for aromatheraphy and to scent cologne and after shaves.

The Citrus aurantium, Sour Oranges, found in Florida, is also called Bitter Oranges and is very similar to the Citrus aurantium cv. 'Sevillano', the variety found in Southern Spain, Seville. Called Real in Spain, it is considered to be the royalty of Sour Oranges. These 2 varieties of Sour Oranges have a bitterness to it and are used for making excellent Marmalade.

You can read more about the wonderful world of oranges at:

Oranges and chocolate have always made a wonderful pair and I found this amazing recipe for a Sour Orange Pie encrusted with chocolate from the Blue Water Bay Restaurant in Florida, USA.

Sour Orange Pie


For the crust:
1.5 cup chocolate cookie crumbs
4 tablespoon butter
Grated zest of 1 sour orange (soaked in Grand Manier, optional)

For the filling:
1.5 cup of sour orange juice, boiled down to 0.75 cup
0.5 cup egg yolks (about 5 or 6 yolks)
14 oz condensed milk

For the glaze:
3 oz dark chocolate
2 oz butter
1 tablespoon Grand Marnier


For the crust:
1. Mix all ingredients and press onto a 10 inch pie tin.
2. Chill.

For the filling:
1. Whisk egg yolks well with Sour Orange juice and condensed milk over a double boiler till well combined, smooth and slightly thickened.
2. Pour into chilled crust.
3. Bake in 175 degrees C until set, about 20 mins.
4. Cool in fridge.

For the glaze:
1. Combine all ingredients over a double boiler until chocolate is melted.
2. Beat till smooth.
3. Pour glaze over chilled pie, rotating it for an even spread.
4. Chill pie thoroughly.

Serve with mint leaves and an orange sauce. Enjoy!

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